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Posted on 04 6 月 2015 by simon







'* 加载宏:excel图片批量添加批注功能
'* 功能描述:对本地文档里图片,自动进行对应至excel中单元格
'* 作 者:simon
'* 作者博客:sunweiwei.com
'* 日 期:2015-6-4
'* 版 本:V1.0.0
Private Type BitmapFileHeader
bfType As Integer '标识 0,1 两个字节为 42 4D 低位在前,即 19778
bfReserved2 As Integer
bfOffBits As Long
bfReserved1 As Integer
bfSize As Long
End Type
Private Type BitmapInfoHeader
biSize As Long
biWidth As Long '宽度 18,19,20,21 四个字节,低位在前
biHeight As Long '高度 22,23,24,25 四个字节,低位在前
' biPlanes As Integer
' biBitCount As Integer
' biCompression As Long
' biSizeImage As Long
' biXPelsPerMeter As Long
' biYPelsPerMeter As Long
' biClrUsed As Long
' biClrImportant As Long
End Type
Private Type LSJPEGHeader
jSOI As Integer '图像开始标识 0,1 两个字节为 FF D8 低位在前,即 -9985
jAPP0 As Integer 'APP0块标识 2,3 两个字节为 FF E0
jAPP0Length(1) As Byte 'APP0块标识后的长度,两个字节,高位在前
' jJFIFName As Long 'JFIF标识 49(J) 48(F) 44(I) 52(F)
' jJFIFVer1 As Byte 'JFIF版本
' jJFIFVer2 As Byte 'JFIF版本
' jJFIFVer3 As Byte 'JFIF版本
' jJFIFUnit As Byte
' jJFIFX As Integer
' jJFIFY As Integer
' jJFIFsX As Byte
' jJFIFsY As Byte
End Type
Private Type LSJPEGChunk
jcType As Integer '标识(按顺序):APPn(0,1~15)为 FF E1~FF EF; DQT为 FF DB(-9217)
'SOFn(0~3)为 FF C0(-16129),FF C1(-15873),FF C2(-15617),FF C3(-15361)
'DHT为 FF C4(-15105); 图像数据开始为 FF DA
jcLength(1) As Byte '标识后的长度,两个字节,高位在前
jBlock As Byte '数据采样块大小 08 or 0C or 10
jHeight(1) As Byte '高度两个字节,高位在前
jWidth(1) As Byte '宽度两个字节,高位在前
' jColorType As Byte '颜色类型 03,后跟9字节,然后是DHT
End Type
Private Type LSPNGHeader
pType As Long '标识 0,1,2,3 四个字节为 89 50(P) 4E(N) 47(G) 低位在前,即 1196314761
pType2 As Long '标识 4,5,6,7 四个字节为 0D 0A 1A 0A
pIHDRLength As Long 'IHDR块标识后的长度,疑似固定 00 0D,高位在前,即 13
pIHDRName As Long 'IHDR块标识 49(I) 48(H) 44(D) 52(R)
Pwidth(3) As Byte '宽度 16,17,18,19 四个字节,高位在前
Pheight(3) As Byte '高度 20,21,22,23 四个字节,高位在前
' pBitDepth As Byte
' pColorType As Byte
' pCompress As Byte
' pFilter As Byte
' pInterlace As Byte
End Type
Private Type LSGIFHeader
gType1 As Long '标识 0,1,2,3 四个字节为 47(G) 49(I) 46(F) 38(8) 低位在前,即 944130375
gType2 As Integer '版本 4,5 两个字节为 7a单幅静止图像9a若干幅图像形成连续动画
gWidth As Integer '宽度 6,7 两个字节,低位在前
gHeight As Integer '高度 8,9 两个字节,低位在前
End Type
Public Function PictureSize(ByVal picPath As String, ByRef Width As Long, ByRef Height As Long) As String
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim jpg As LSJPEGHeader
Width = 0: Height = 0 '预输出:0 * 0
If picPath = "" Then PictureSize = "null": Exit Function '文件路径为空
If Dir(picPath) = "" Then PictureSize = "not exist": Exit Function '文件不存在
PictureSize = "error" '预定义:出错
iFile = FreeFile()
Open picPath For Binary Access Read As #iFile
Get #iFile, , jpg
If jpg.jSOI = -9985 Then
Dim jpg2 As LSJPEGChunk, pass As Long
pass = 5 + jpg.jAPP0Length(0) * 256 + jpg.jAPP0Length(1) '高位在前的计算方法
PictureSize = "JPEG error" 'JPEG分析出错
Get #iFile, pass, jpg2
If jpg2.jcType = -16129 Or jpg2.jcType = -15873 Or jpg2.jcType = -15617 Or jpg2.jcType = -15361 Then
Width = jpg2.jWidth(0) * 256 + jpg2.jWidth(1)
Height = jpg2.jHeight(0) * 256 + jpg2.jHeight(1)
PictureSize = Width & "*" & Height
'PictureSize = "JPEG" 'JPEG分析成功
Exit Do
End If
pass = pass + jpg2.jcLength(0) * 256 + jpg2.jcLength(1) + 2
Loop While jpg2.jcType <> -15105 'And pass < LOF(iFile)
ElseIf jpg.jSOI = 19778 Then
Dim bmp As BitmapInfoHeader
Get #iFile, 15, bmp
Width = bmp.biWidth
Height = bmp.biHeight
PictureSize = Width & "*" & Height
' PictureSize = "BMP" 'BMP分析成功
Dim png As LSPNGHeader
Get #iFile, 1, png
If png.pType = 1196314761 Then
Width = png.Pwidth(0) * 16777216 + png.Pwidth(1) * 65536 + png.Pwidth(2) * 256 + png.Pwidth(3)
Height = png.Pheight(0) * 16777216 + png.Pheight(1) * 65536 + png.Pheight(2) * 256 + png.Pheight(3)
PictureSize = Width & "*" & Height
'PictureSize = "PNG" 'PNG分析成功
ElseIf png.pType = 944130375 Then
Dim gif As LSGIFHeader
Get #iFile, 1, gif
Width = gif.gWidth
Height = gif.gHeight
PictureSize = Width & "*" & Height
'PictureSize = "GIF" 'GIF分析成功
PictureSize = "unknow" '文件类型未知
End If
End If
Close #iFile
End Function
Sub 添加图片批注()
Dim 单元格
Dim w As Long, h As Long
Dim f As String '图片文件完成路径
Dim t As String
Dim Pwidth As Long, Pheight As Long
Dim Psize As String
On Error Resume Next
For Each 单元格 In Selection
单元格.Comment.Shape.Fill.UserPicture ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\pic\" & Replace(单元格.Value, "[图片]", "") & ".jpg"
f = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\pic\" & Replace(单元格.Value, "[图片]", "") & ".jpg" '图片文件完成路径
Psize = PictureSize(f, w, h) '运行宏,w,h就是对应图片的width height ,返回 width*height
If Len(Psize) > 0 Then
Pwidth = Val(Split(Psize, "*")(0)) '返回 图片 宽
Pheight = Val(Split(Psize, "*")(1)) '返回 图片 高
End If
单元格.Comment.Shape.Height = Pheight / 4
单元格.Comment.Shape.Width = Pwidth / 4
Next 单元格
End Sub

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Posted on 11 4 月 2015 by simon






脚本说明:其中ActiveDocument.Path是获取doc所在的当前目录;word.txt为存放待查找的词语文件(格式为一行一个);fso为创建的对象,nr为读取txt的文本内容,vbCrLf为vb里规定的回车符+换行符,arr为词语的数组形式,UBound是取数组最大下标,玩过按键精灵的可能比较熟悉,通过arr(i)来定位每一个元素,之后执行一个for循环,设定待查找文本.Text = arr(i),wdReplaceAll全部替换成另外的格式,Selection.Find.Replacement.Font里各参数表示替换后的格式,可以是各种姿势以达到你的需求。




Sub 宏1()
' 宏1 宏
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.opentextfile(ActiveDocument.Path + "\word.txt") '打开文件流
nr = f.readall
arr = Split(nr, vbCrLf) '分割数组

 With Selection.Find.Replacement.Font
 .Bold = True
 .Color = wdColorRed
 End With

Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
 With Selection.Find
 .Text = arr(i)
 .Replacement.Text = ""
 .Forward = True
 .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 .Format = True
 .MatchCase = False
 .MatchWholeWord = False
 .MatchByte = True
 .MatchWildcards = False
 .MatchSoundsLike = False
 .MatchAllWordForms = False
 End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

Set fso = Nothing
Set f = Nothing

End Sub

Comments (1)
